Play Prepared Why take chances|Reduce Injury|Very Simple to Use|Proven Effective|Comfortable Fit
No matter how well trained or how careful you are, accidents happen. The world's #1 non-collision sports headgear, certified to reduce impact force significantly (up to 83%) is now available in Canada.
Health Canada’s message, use your head and protect your brain, makes good sense. Their concussion education arm, Parachute, authored the fact sheet content copyright 2015 Parachute and we published it 2016 as part of a nationwide awareness initiative: To make Canadians aware that certified headgear, proven to reduce the severity of head injury is now available. The first 0:30 video is produced by Health Canada copyright 2015 Parachute. The second, 10:02 produced by Evans Health Lab, copyright 2014 Dr. Michael Evans and Reframe Health Films Inc.
or we can buy the world’s #1 universal protective headband for under $35 and give it to our children to wear. Simple, comfortable, affordable, proven and certified to protect their developing brains by reducing impact force to the head, up to 83%! Forcefield Protective Headgear™, helmet polymer filled plush cotton sweatbands or wrap-around neoprene headbands, from $29.95.
3 facts that might make you wonder why all players aren’t already wearing Forcefield® headbands:
In Canada, a concussion happens every 3 minutes.
Health Canada estimates up to 60,000 Canadian children and youth sustain a serious, quality of life altering, preventable head injury each year.
Preventable head injuries are a multi-billion dollar problem.
We spend $2,000,000,000 to treat and support Canadians sustaining a head injury each year.
The Canadian Government infused over $4,000,000 into concussion research 2013. Another 2 million 2016 to create and promote a national plan to solve the problem. more...
Health Canada has always put the Health and Safety of our children at the top of the list
Soccer and Basketball concussions rank next after Football in school sports. Click here to Read the Article
Hidden injuries, mild brain trauma can severely affect a young person’s brain: more...
Awareness, detection, healing time before returning to play and prevention have never been more important because a) small repetitive brain injuries can cause long term damage, and b) concussion symptoms may not show up right after impact (you don't have to be knocked unconscious). more...
Your league has added an anti-concussion protocol to their safety policy.
There is mixed evidence on the use of protective head gear
Click here to Read the Article
1. Canadian Medical Research tells us head injuries in soccer are twice as likely without headgear. and Mcgill reported on Dr. Delaney’s field study, published Br J Sports Med 2008;42(2):110-5
Click here to Read the Article
2. The Canadian Academy of Sports Medicine suggests the use of protective headgear in soccer for children, goalies and players with a past history of head injuries or concussions.
Click here to Read the Article
Your sport is already designed to be safe. The answer is: Your attention to the rules and proper technique is the key. Headgear will not eliminate concussions. Headgear does not make it safe to play fearlessly.
Biomechanical models have been developed to help understand proper technique for headers.
Click here to Read a Study
The risk of accidental collisions with other players, the ground and goal posts will remain.
Headgear does reduce these impact forces reaching your head and your brain.
Forcefield Protective Headgear™ can be one part of your safety plan.
What steps are you taking to prevent head injuries?
Simple - Effective - Comfortable - Affordable
This can come between you and a head injury
Choose either a cotton sweatband or a neoprene headband both have helmet polymers inside. Certified to protect your head and reduce your risk of injury in sports where a helmet is not standard equipment. Effective protection for the most important organ in your body. NFHS sanctioned. FIFA compliant. CEII certified.

Forcefield Protective Sweatband™
• 80% Cotton, 15% Spandex, many colours
• 2 Sizes: 16”(4-11yrs), 18”(12yrs and up)
• Fits ages 4 – adult
• Sweat absorption, self-adjusts for comfortable and secure fit
• Protection at crucial impact zones
• MSRP $29.95 plus shipping

Forcefield Ultra™
• 70% Neoprene, 25% nylon, 5% polyester, black
• 2 Sizes: Children Ultra JR™, Youth/Adults Ultra™
• Fits ages 4 – adult
• Adjustable velcro closure for comfortable and secure fit
• 360 ̊ of protection
• MSRP $34.95 plus shipping

Every Forcefield Protective Headgear™ purchase supports the Brain Injury Association of Canada.
accepted by leagues, schools, medical professionals and by the pros internationally for all ages
what they're saying about Forcefield®
“It is in my opinion a very urgent matter and they really work.”
“Last year I ordered my first shipment of Force Field headbands and required my Frosh team to wear the headbands during all practices and matches.
The results were amazing. Not only did we increase safety and not lose any players during the season due to the very strict California concussion laws/protocols. But the amount of self confidence our players exhibited when attempting to header the ball was unheard of. The players felt safer, and were much more confident. The parents fully supported our Force Field mandate and credited our program for putting safety first.
Thank you for creating a great product and helping to keep our kids safe.”
James Fulwiler, Dublin High School, Men’s Varsity Soccer Head Coach 2016 DFAL League Champions, 2014 NCS Champions, 2010 NCS Champions, 2010 DFAL League Champions
“The Forcefield band satisfies Nick’s need for style and my need to sleep at night.”
Soccer Dad Bob L.
“My daughter headed the ball at least 8 times last weekend over 4 games. This is the reason I looked you up: BTD in Soccer. I am going to talk with our team about ordering for everyone.”
Soccer Mom Heidi N.
“I jump in the air along with the other players and also dive for the ball. While I play to avoid collisions, they happen. I want to give my head some extra protection.”
Goalkeeper, Jasmine P.
“I have tested this headband on my own players at the very top of Swedish fotboll and want to recommend their use. It is in my opinion a very urgent matter and they really work. After a week or so the player is used to the head guard and is not hindered when playing with it.”
Mikael Klotz, REHAB Doctor Hammarby Fotboll, Physiotherapist, Chairman SFSF, Physiotherapists in Swedish Soccer
“Helmets and headbands do not prevent concussions. Their cushioning effect reduces the degree of kinetic energy directed to the head and the brain; an extra layer of protection from a glancing blow.”
Dr. Brian Hunt, Canadian Neurosurgeon, Concussion Education and Awareness Committee Expert, ThinkFirst BC co-Founder
“It’s a huge problem and anything to prevent head injury is welcome. Not only reducing impact, this Forcefield headband can prevent hematomas and lacerations and scrapes, all good to reduce head injuries. I am glad to help spread the word.”
Dr. Jeff Weisbrot, MD, FRCP(C), Pediatric Emergency Medicine, Behavioral Counseling Medical Education Specialist, Private Practitioner, Pediatric. Director of Medical Education, MacKenzie Health. Accomplished past Chief of Pediatrics York Central Hospital and Staff Physician, The Hospital for Sick Children. Published Author on Child Care.
We spend two billion dollars to treat and support Canadians sustaining a head injury each year
for less than $35 you’re fixing a national multi billion dollar preventable head injury problem
and lowering your risk of HEAD injury!
Add Forcefield Protective Headgear™ to your safety plan – Order one today >>>